Questions to Consider for any Boat Sharing Agreement
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One of the primary questions we get at Nautical Monkey is about boat sharing contracts and syndicate agreements. Specifically what are the primary questions we should be asking, where we can find sample agreements, and what kind of partnership should we create.
We will be publishing a set of articles about boat sharing contracts in the next few weeks starting with this one, “Questions to consider for any boat sharing agreement.” We will also be revamping our sample boat sharing agreement library to include a sample partnership / syndicate agreement, and a revised bareboat charter agreement.
So, let’s get started. The following is a list of questions that you and your partners should discuss before entering into any boat sharing agreement.
How will the boat be owned?
Equal parts according to the number of partners or some other arraignment.
General Maintenance and Other Maintenance of the boat / Division of Operating Expenses – Will a new account be set up for the partnership? Will partners deposit a fixed amount at the beginning of each year, or will expenses be dealt with on a month to month basis?
What will be the dollar or labor contribution by each partner for expenses such as costs and expenses incurred for upkeep, insurance, storage etc?
Who Can Perform Maintenance Work?
Will you use only a third party maintenance shop that you all agree on ahead of time? Possibly generate a list of general maintenance items and a list of other types of maintenance.
How will management be handled?
Will each partner maintain the boat for a year and then the responsibility be moved to the next partner?
Will the managing partner have complete discretion to draw funds from the account that was set up for the partnership or will multiple signatures be required? Or, will a single partner be responsible for management and be compensated in some way?
Anticipated Costs – Possibly provide a list including taxes, registration, insurance, fuel, repairs, improvements, cleaning, maintenance, etc. Will all costs be shared equally regardless of whether each partner makes use of the boat during his/her designated exclusive periods of possession?
What if one of the partners is out of the country for an extended period of time? Will costs be redistributed? Can a partner put their membership/payments on hold during that time?
Record Keeping – Will the managing partner provide a monthly expense report for all the partners? Will each partner keep a record of expenses they have incurred for the month?
Damage to Boat (during a partner’s use) – Define normal wear and tear. How will you handle anything that isn’t normal wear and tear? Will the partner who incurred the damage be responsible for the deductible?
Insurance – List each partner as an additional insurance on the policy.
Return of Boat – Where will the boat be located and be returned to? Consider setting rules for state of cleanliness and fueling requirements when the boat is returned.
Rotation Schedule – What is the schedule for each partner’s exclusive period of possession and use? Use an online calendaring system such as Nautical Monkey or does each partner have a static period of use?
Dispute resolution – Consider naming a neutral third party mediator up front.
Boat Operations Manual – Do you want to have a brief operations manual that all partners must follow?
Buy Out/ Bail Out of a partner – How can a partner leave the partnership? What if a partner is not able to pay anymore? What if a partner just wants out of the partnership?
Transfer of Interests: Provide information and steps to follow regarding the how and when partnership interests and rights may be transferred.
Rules for Valuation– If a partner wants to buy the others out, or you agree to sell the boat, will you use a pre-declared value already stated in the agreement? Would you use current fair market value?

Handling Selling Expenses – How will this be handled in the event that the boat is sold?
Term –How long will the partnership last?
Dissolution of the Partnership – How can the partnership be dissolved?
Death/ Divorce/ Right of Survivorship– What will happen if a partner passes away or gets a divorce?
Hi I purchased a boat with my boyfriend we worked together in the Florida Keys After the Storm he is a general contractor we bought this boat together to live on unfortunately at the time I didn’t think this would end but our relationship has ended and I’m still living on the boat as of now he has not put it in his name yet it’s just the title signed over to the company I am still living on it he is left and is not interested in me buying him out do I have any rights at all?
Hi Megan – that’s a tough one – sorry you’re going through that. If you created a sharing agreement when you guys purchased the boat that would help, but I’m thinking you didn’t because of the relationship. There are so many nuances to that sort of thing that I’d be hesitant to offer any legal advice – my best (although probably not very useful) suggestion is to see if you can find a lawyer who could give you real advice about what your rights are. Reach back out if you have any specific questions.
Hey John. I was wondering if you had a copy of any boat agreements you’ve seen in passing. I’ve witnesses dozens of agreements that went south or just dragged on in misery because they weren’t in writing and a few that went south and dissolved because they were in a written agreement. Walking into my first boat ownership and sharing the boat, I want to set it up right and wanted to see some examples and ideas. I’m hopeful, but want to be cautious too and give assurance to both parties.
Hi Meaghan – if you create a free account on Nautical Monkey, there are two sample agreements on the home page after logging in – John