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Anything important I need to consider when getting the insurance besides cost?
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Beach G
Regarding cost, there really is no cheapest insurance company. You rate quotes will vary. A company that is inexpensive to you may be very expensive for me due to the numerous variables that companies use to calculate rates. And, don't equate cost with service. Progressive is known as a relatively inexpensive insurance provider, and I've had absolutely no problems with claim processing the few times I've needed it.

When comparing rates, make sure it's apples to apples and coverage should be equal among quotes. Get quotes until you can't bear to look at another one, then pull the trigger.
Uncle T
I used Travelers for a number of years but my broker just switched me to State Farm. Had a claim under Travelers that went pretty smoothly and would recommend them for that reason. The premiums were largely the same between the two companies so I would agree with Beach G's comment about rates - you have to do your homework, but they should be pretty close between companies for you (although someone else with different circumstances may be able to get a much better rate from the same company).
Marine G
The above information is good - I would also add the following to help get the best possible price.

- Don't buy insurance you don't need - i.e., be very specific about getting the insurance that is right for you boat. Most cariers have a dozen or so different kinds of boat insurance (powerboat, sailboat, houseboat, fishing boat, etc.). Make sure you're getting the one that is specific to your boat and its use.

- Just like having a home security system can lower your house insurance, some insurance companies will discount the premium if you have certain safety equipement - tell the agent about any safety equipment or gadgets you have installed - it could help.

- Take a boating class. Taking a boating class could save you as much as 5% with some companies. Check with the agent and see which classes may qualify and for how much - this kind of savings over a couple of years could be significant.

- If you are willing to have you boat out of the water for some of the year, some insurers will cut your premium for the period of time your boat is not being used.