Chris T
I have a boat and my partner and I use your services to track expenses etc and it all seems to work quite well. However, I entered a payment I received from my partner for the month of Oct that settled our balance and it does not reflect or change the "report" for that month to show he has paid me. Does your site offer this type of expense tracking reconciliation in some way? Maybe I just entered the transaction incorrectly?
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John D
We just created a reconciliation function which will allow you to balance / reconcile amounts owed between members. Log in and navigate to the Expense Tracker and click on the "Add Reconciliation" button. Select the member who paid from the "Paid by" drop down and the member the payment goes to in the "Paid to" drop down.

After you add the payment go to the Reports section to see the result.

Let me know if you have any trouble using it or see any problems.