Over B
I have 2 questions...

1. Under member setup how do I change my access dates? Im not able to edit it and im assuming this changes the premium and standard slots depending on my share %.

2. Im not understanding the premium / standard slots remaining. Its seems like if a member has 25% share they would have more than 2 and 4 total as it shows. I figured if a member is 25% share and 3 months they should have around 20 remaining. But this member has sheduled at least 7 dates.
Can you explain this?

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John D

1. Access dates: For the person / admin who created the boat in our system, the access dates cannot be changed. Your access basically started when you created the boat and never ends. We did this because, as the administrator, if your access expires, no one would be able to change anything about the boat. You can change any other member's access dates even if they are administrators.

2. Slots remaining: The slots remaining calculation is done month to month. So even if the user has a three month contract/access in the system, the number of premium and standard slots is calculated and reset each month.

So the way you have your calendar configured with 4 slots per day, in July there are a total of 123 slots (you loose the first one because it starts in June) and with Sat and Sun configured as Premium days you have 32 Premium slots and 91 Standard slots.

At 25%, you would have have 8 Premium slots (32 * .25) and 22.75, we round up in that case - so 23 standard slots (91 * .25) per month.

If you want to up that for yourself you can increase your percentage which would give you more standard/premium slots per month. There is also a check box at the bottom of the Scheduler Setup page called "Ignore share percentages - Allow users to book at will" which basically turns the calendar into a first come first serve calendaring system where each member can book as many slots as they want.

Let me know if any of that is unclear or if you need any additional assistance.


John Davis