Hi Lynn - sorry about the delay - I missed this email.
Regarding the scheduler times, we are working on a custom time slot function where you can set the number of slots you want and the begining and ending time of each slot - hopefully should be done this week.
As far as the percentages, those percentage reflect the amount of time a member gets on the boat. So if you set each member at 25%, each one would get 25% of the premium slots per month and 25% of the standard slots per month.
The only problem with adding another member at 20% when you have 4 members at 25% is that if every member attempted to book all their time, someone wouldn't get their fair share. In my experience it is very unlikely to happen but it could. Unless you are contractually obligated to set their percentages at 25, you could just reduce everyone to 20% ...
Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I'll update you once we release the code for the new custom time slots.
John Davis